Breath Prayer

Breath Prayer is a way to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). The idea is to connect a short prayer to the rhythm of our own body. One phrase is inhaled, another is exhaled. Just like our own breathing, the prayer becomes something life giving, yet almost unconscious.

The Jesus Prayer is an ancient breath prayer handed down to us by the desert fathers & mothers who lived about 300 years after Jesus’ resurrection.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God
have mercy on me, a sinner

or more simply…

Lord Jesus Christ
have mercy on me

or even…

have mercy

After you have spent some time inhaling and exhaling the Jesus prayer try using your imagination!

As you exhale: imagine that the mercy you have received from God is contagious. As you are breathing out, imagine that same mercy flowing out from your breath and being extended to those around you.

As you inhale: Imagine you are breathing in the very presence of God. Imagine that all the love, goodness, beauty, and mystery of God is coming down to you from heaven.

Help me to continue to create ways to Play With Prayer!

This resource is available for free but it you or your church would like to make a donation to help me to continue to create playful prayer prompts, you can do that online through Canada Helps:

Printer Friendly Breath Prayer Resources:

Single Sided 1 Page Printout:
A simple handout for a prayer time or small group.

Double Sided Bookmarks Printout:
These look great and work really well printed on Card Stock. You get three bookmarks per page. You just need to cut them out.

Breath Prayer Drawing & Resource © 2023 Randell Neudorf